Friday, September 7, 2012


You have some gorgeous eyes
More beautiful than an angel’s
As if you came down from the skies
And sought out to find me, courageous
You have the brightest smile
Even brighter than the stars
Illuminating miles
Crowds eagerly waiting in line
To cure all their ‘osities
And satisfy their ears
The sound of your voice is
So pleasing to hear
You have the greatest heart
Of love and a touch of hope

It’s what’s setting you apart
And what sets you free from the rope
That holds even the strongest back
From following through with a dream
A dream that all others have lacked
But you have completed, I see
I have the best that there is
The person who holds the key
To my heart and nobody else
And you are the reason I breathe
You have some gorgeous eyes
More beautiful than an angel’s
As if you came down from the skies
And sought out to find me, courageous

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