Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Life and Death of Rage

I am there, here and now, seconds from what you call hell, complete the circle, racing time, forgot the absence of my mind, bound to die here soon after, hold applauses for the laughter, the more you know the more I wait, here alone at the gates, days I sometimes stand in line, these dead stares will bore me blind, shattered into pieces, battered and so beaten, one last look and I’m defeated, no more games to play this time, all that I have is one last chance, done with fear, done with these binds, what I hold is in my hands, in my hands, in my hands.

Life, a disease we all seem to share, we writhe to the end in all its despair, our souls are enslaved by the sins of the grave, but the blood still flows too fast, our angels infected, by the weak and neglected, the judgment is full of dismay, our peace is disturbed, from damnation we purge, and our spirits have all seem to crash, the meaning is fresh, the fear in the flesh, the passion just withered away,  


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