Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chaos Let Out Over Oceans Of Sympathetic Harmony

Chaos Let Out Over Oceans OSympathetic Harmony

In the midst of valleys consumed by my mind;
I embalm the agony, mahogany liquid
With my hollow gaze; yield the absurd line
Like vices with hammers, foundation broken
And the rain falls down, engulfs society’s sickness
Dissolves Mankind’s cyst on its reality
All hope subsides, the deity of faith
Grasping the bulls balls now, a wave of discontent
All things good, numb, now reign falsely
The keeper of the crypt once again unleashes his fiend
And below the sky, a light blue blackens
The clouds circle inward, the soup is now stirred
The war within existence is now overheard
By the angels flying; shedding human down
A paradigm of ascendancy, the supremacy is smitten 
From the throne of its dismay and disillusions
And the Earth is stilled; bless the winged swine  

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