Thursday, May 9, 2013

Penguin Drawing by JRC

this is a penguin i drew and then edited on Photoshop

Saturday, May 4, 2013


this is a picture i took and then recolored in huh

ABOUT MEDITATION by Jeff Chamberlain

            Sometimes I write essays—but not much. Today I want to talk about meditation and the likes. I will cover certain aspects of different types and methods of meditation as well as my own twists on them. I hope you enjoy my opinions as I value them a lot.
The first and most basic form of meditation is by using a mantra. A mantra is a word or phrase used to bring your attention back to your center when it strays away or goes off track. The most simple mantra, and widely used is by repeating the word “Om” (pronounced ‘owm’). But this isn’t the only mantra. A mantra can be anything such as: “I’m okay” or “now I’m calm”. You may experiment and create your own—think outside the box
Another way to meditate is by using the four finger exercise. It is effective and, if utilized can help you wind down after a busy day. You start by gently laying your hands backside down on your lap. First, connect your thumb to your index finger and while you do this, close your eyes and think of a very exciting and exhilarating experience—maybe you are on a rollercoaster. This heightens your awareness and gets you started for the next step. Next, press your thumb to your middle finger. Now, think of a time when you were very happy—maybe you received a gift or had your first kiss. You must really dig into your past for this second one. Try to bring out the good in your past. For the third finger, your ring finger, think of the nicest thing someone has said to you and imagine yourself replying thank you. This is really important because it, not only builds self-esteem, but allows you to experience what it feels like to be treated thoughtfully. Lastly, touch your thumb to your pinky “little” finger and imagine a really relaxing and calm place. Maybe it is the beach with the sea breeze gently hugging you or a trip through a forest where nature is endless. Make sure that it causes you to feel very calm and dwell on it for a few minutes. This exercise will surely work within the first few instances.
Finally, mindfulness is a good way to cope with the stresses of the day. Mindfulness is simple—staying, steady, in the present moment and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It’s remaining in the here and now and relating to the world around you, observing, noticing and minding your environment and self-sensations. The easiest way to be mindful is through closing your eyes and just noticing. Notice the sounds around you, if you were near a stream you might hear trickling water or if you are inside maybe there is a fan or a heater on. These things help you to grasp the present and stay in the moment. If your mind wanders simply bring it back to your center by focusing on a sound, smell or feeling. It is also important not to judge whether things are good or bad—they just simply are there, not for judgment.
There are also many types of ways that you can be mindful. For example, take a piece of food, maybe a small cookie or a segment of an orange, and slowly start to notice or observe it with your five senses. First, you might feel it, the cookie might be rough or the orange may be slimy. Then, you can smell it and then, taste it, and it might make a sound if you chew it. The purpose is to be aware of the present, one moment at a time.
As stated, there are many ways to meditate and I’ve only touched on a few. Meditation is a wonderful skill which may take long practice and effort but is a sure cure for the stresses of everyday life. So, go ahead and try it, be creative, and maybe you’ll come up with your own meditation method.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello Sky by JRC

Hello sky
Can I dry your eyes today?
Hello sky
It's a pity that you cry, today
Hello sky
Can I wipe the tears off of your face
Hello sky
Can all of your clouds embrace
Hello sky
I mentioned you before
Hello sky
Your sunny days, what I adore
Hello sky